Rock Dirty (Rock Candy #2) Read online

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  * * *

  Six hours into our seven-hour flight, I woke up barely able to believe it. Obviously, I’d been more wasted by playing on the road than I’d thought. What was even more unbelievable? Nikki was still dead to the world. Once again, I found myself just staring at her. What was it about her that had me so intrigued?

  Yeah, she was gorgeous, and before she’d clammed up, she’d seemed like she knew how to have fun. But that wasn’t something new for me. Rock groupies are women who excel at the fine art of partying, but that usually comes with a lot shrieking and, let’s face it, not a whole lot of challenge. Plus, I never really knew what I was getting with a groupie, mentally or physically; I’d spent more time than I cared to admit fishing lost hair extensions out of my couch cushions or the bunks in my trailer. I’d spent even more time having to shake women who wrongly concluded a night in the sack meant anything more than it was.

  But that wasn’t Nikki.

  The woman was confident, snarky, and sexy as all get out, but she was also pure class, even when she was letting me finger her to orgasm in an airport bathroom. I wanted to spend more time with her once we arrived in the City of Lights but I also wasn’t going to keep putting myself out there. If she wasn’t interested in seeing more of me, I wasn’t going to push it.

  Thirty minutes later, the pilot asked the flight crew to prepare for landing. People started talking and shifting about, but Nikki still didn’t move. Frowning, I reached out and gently shook her arm, thinking she hadn’t been kidding when she’d referred to herself as a cobbler working on her shoe designs all night. The girl had obviously been running herself ragged.

  “Nikki,” I said softly.

  She moaned and pouted, then blinked her eyes open. When she saw me gazing at her, she smiled and said, “Hi.”

  I couldn’t help smiling back at her. “The plane’s landing, princess.”

  She blinked a couple more times, then sat up. “Oh my God. I actually slept through the whole flight? I’m so sorry!”

  I shrugged. “It’s okay. You obviously needed the sleep. I guess things will keep you hopping once you arrive, huh?” I waited, wondering if she’d say anything about us getting together after the plane landed.

  “I haven’t been sleeping much with eighteen-hour work days,” she said. “I’m lucky I remember that I’m headed on a plane for Paris, let alone your name, Tommy.”

  I felt like I’d been kicked in the nuts. Okay, so she’d gotten weird afterward, but we’d had an awesome time before that—at least she’d seemed to like it. Seriously, I was Tucker Benning. I normally left girls begging for more. The fact that Nikki had forgotten my name was—

  “What’s the matter, Tucker, cat got your tongue?’

  I narrowed my eyes at her as I processed her smile. “You bitch! You set me up!”

  She nodded as she gathered up her purse and laptop case. “Yeah, but it was pretty priceless. I bet you have girls fawning all over you. ‘Oh Tucker, you’re the best I’ve ever had’ and ‘Oh Tucker, just kiss me one more time.’ Sorry, but I’m not the type to fawn.”

  I raised a brow. “Yeah, I think I got that when you ignored me after you got yours. Damn, lady, talk about using and abusing a man. Isn’t it normally the guy that rolls over and falls asleep after sex?”

  She lowered her voice just slightly. “We didn’t have sex.”

  “No, but what we did have was damn great.”

  She snorted. “How can you say that? You didn’t… you didn’t…” She suddenly turned red, surprising me once again that someone so bold could still blush so easily.

  “No, but you did. And still, it was the best fucking experience of my life,” I said, stunned at how much I meant it.

  She stared at me wide-eyed and we remained silent through the smooth landing. When it was time to disembark, I stood. “So, princess, are you the type who likes cream in her coffee and extra crepes?” I asked as we made our way into the line. Getting off a plane always reminds me of a zombie apocalypse, everyone out of it and shuffling along. It’s the worst. Still, it gave me a few more minutes with Nikki.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “I want to imagine what you’re having for breakfast in the morning. Because it doesn’t look like I’m going to be there, am I?”

  She licked her lips and hesitated. Her eyes flickered with something hot before resignation settled in. “I’m sorry, Tucker. It was fun meeting you, but no, I don’t think breakfast is a good idea.”

  I nodded and shrugged, even though everything inside me was screaming a denial and urging me to change her mind. “It was fun meeting you, too, Nikki,” I said. “Good luck at your show.”

  Before long, we were off the plane and in the airport terminal. I hung back, and Nikki walked ahead of me, though her stride didn’t seem as smooth as it had back in New York.

  The boots must be getting to her.

  I watched her go, hoping that she’d stop and glance at me, maybe even change her mind and come back, but she didn’t. Soon, she disappeared from sight.

  Go after her! that something inside me urged once again.

  But hell no. It wasn’t worth it.

  She wasn’t worth it.

  Guys like Liam Collier got to ride off into the sunset with his true love, Abby, or some shit like that. He’d always believed he’d find the girl of his dreams, have two-point-five kids and drive a minivan. Guys like me? That’s not what I wanted.

  I was a rock star who liked women and booze and partying hard. Even if my best friend had gone soft, it didn’t mean I had to.

  * * *

  I had the cash to stay at a fancy five-star hotel by the Seine, but it seemed excessive given it was just me and I probably wouldn’t be staying in Paris very long now that my reason for being there was gone (thank you, Nikki). Besides, staying at big hotels reminded me of how many I’d trashed back in the day. I can shove a TV out of a fifth story suite like no one alive. Keith Richards once complimented me on my aim, come to think of it. But while I didn’t exactly regret those memories, I’d have given them all up to spend more time with Nikki. Since that wasn’t going to happen, I just needed something simple to tide me over until I headed back to LA.

  After checking in to a small hotel, I walked the streets a bit. When I returned, I headed down to the café next door. I sat over some croissants and awesome cheese (smelled like a foot but tasted oddly great) and before I knew it, was Googling Dominique Lorenz. I was half-pissed that she was still on my mind, but that didn’t stop me from doing it.

  I hit the mother lode, finding article after article that made me think Nikki just might be an even bigger partier than I was. But those were all several years old. The more recent hits were all about her designs, shoes even more extreme than the ones she’d been wearing on the plane. Most had staggeringly tall heels that led to those exaggerated pointes, and they came in a riot of colors and materials including ones that, I swear to God, seemed to be made from bamboo.

  Hadn’t the girl ever heard of sneakers?

  Of course, if she had, she would just put them on a twelve-inch platform and dare women not to fall down and break their necks.

  I found an article mentioning her upcoming fashion show in two weeks, but learned she was also opening her own boutique. Neither of those were small feats, and I found myself feeling a surge of pride for her.

  Point Break was on indefinite vacation, and I had nothing to do. Maybe I’d catch her show. Hell, I’d light up Twitter just by sitting in the front row and I could only imagine how thankful Nikki would be. Then I’d see her shop. More free publicity. I’d be doing her a favor, right?


  After the way we’d parted, I didn’t want to cross the line from persistent to stalker, something I was quite familiar with since I’ve had girls literally hide out in my trashcan before.

  Any lingering desire I had to see her again was just about hurt pride. Some immature need to prove to myself and her why girls normally lined up for a shot at

  “Yeah, well, she couldn’t walk away from you fast enough, could she, Tuck?” I muttered.

  “Actually, I didn’t walk so much as run,” a husky alto rang out behind me.

  I recognized her voice immediately, but I stifled my instincts to turn around and look at her. Leaning back in my chair, I set my hands behind my head. “It’s no problem, princess. I was just curious why, is all. It’s not like I really care, you know?”

  I threw the asshole comment out there because I wanted to see how she’d reply.

  She didn’t say anything at first, and I tensed, wondering if she’d walked away. But then she said, “Maybe not. But I’m finding I care, Tucker. Hence, the reason I ran in the first place. And the reason I followed you to see where you were staying. I would have eventually stopped but it turned out we were going in the same direction. It’s whacked but I’m actually staying at a place a few blocks from here.” I heard the click of her footsteps, and then she was in my line of sight. She paused next to the seat across from me. “May I?”

  I nodded, and she sat down, crossing her long legs.

  She’d exchanged her boots for turquoise shoes that somehow managed to resemble a five-point star. Unlike her smoking hot boots, the shoes seemed to tip the scale from edgy to wacky. Just because something had never been done before didn’t necessarily make it a good idea.

  Still, she was gorgeous enough to pull it off. She’d changed into tight jeans and a low cut, silky black top. It was more than my pleasure to glimpse her cleavage. Suddenly all I could think about was getting my tongue on those amazing tits of hers.

  But she seemed to be waiting for me to speak. Despite my best intentions, all I could muster was a sulky, “Why the change of heart, Nikki?”

  “Look, I know how I acted after we…you know…in the bathroom…was crazy. But I guess I just panicked a little. I have a lot riding on this trip and you’ve got distraction written all over you. I saw you arrive here, headed to my friend’s apartment then…”

  She looked at me almost helplessly, but I wasn’t letting her off the hook that easy.

  “Then what?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Then I missed you, okay? We barely know each other, but all I kept thinking was I was here, and you were here, so close—I mean, what were the chances that you’d be in a hotel so close to me—and I just want to spend more time with you.”

  I smirked, even as I felt a little amazed but mostly thankful that the fates had led me to the hotel and more importantly prodded Nikki to follow me and return. “Yeah?” I said, sounding far more casual than I felt. “Time with me or time with certain parts of me?”

  She fought back a smile but said nothing.

  I leaned forward and grabbed her hand. “Oh come on, Nikki. What parts? I mean, you sure seemed to enjoy my fingers, but are there any other parts of me you want to spend more time with? I mean, my hands, sure, but what about my lips? My teeth? My cock? They’re all at your disposal if you want. All you have to do is say the word.”

  She sat forward and very deliberately licked her lips. “How about these words? My friend who owns the apartment said I could have other friends over.”

  “Is your friend who owns the apartment hot?”

  Nikki laughed. “Oh you’ll see.”

  I studied her, wondering what game she was up to now. So she’d tracked me down because she missed me, but she wanted to do a three-way with her roomie? I figured she was bluffing, but if not, no biggie.

  Talk about scoring. Two women, one being this fiery redhead.

  My life was finally looking up since Liam had announced his unexpected vacation. I smirked back at Nikki and offered her my hand. “Well, honey, you’ve definitely said the magic words. Lead me to paradise.”

  * * *

  The apartment wasn’t anything like I’d been expecting.

  It was decorated with clean lines, and modern and sleek glass furniture, and littered with magazines like Men’s Health and Cigar Aficionado. It was becoming less and less likely that a cute blonde was going to waltz out of the other bedroom and fall into my waiting lap. Slumping down onto the sofa, I picked up a copy of a men’s body-building magazine and tossed it to her.

  “You set me up!”

  She laughed and I was beginning to both hate and love that sound. Nikki was clearly part devil, part temptress. “Claude is an old friend from when I was a kid. He’s in the fashion industry, does designer men’s socks.”

  “That’s a thing?”

  “Yeah, that and ties. It’s the only thing that has any originality in the corporate world,” she replied. “I don’t get it either.”

  I laughed and gestured to the shoes she’d discarded on the floor. “Yes, extreme fashion trends are very hard to understand. Admit it, though, you played me. Here I was thinking you had a friend as hot as you are and that things were really going to get interesting, but I come back here and it’s like the ultimate rich bachelor pad…well if you’re kind of a snobby metrosexual type.”

  “True,” she said, giggling. “But,” Nikki added, getting to her knees in front of me on the couch. “The truth is that I’ve shared men in the past, but I don’t like the idea of sharing you. Does that disappoint you?”

  I tangled my hands in her hair and just took in her amazing face. “Baby, I’m not disappointed. I applaud you for your good taste. And your intelligence. Why share someone women are panting for when all he wants is to give you his mind-blowing undivided attention.”

  “Mind-blowing, huh?”

  “That’s what I hear,” I said, my grin widening.

  “So modest.”

  I shrugged. “Modesty is for guys who can’t hack it. I definitely can.”

  She grinned and licked her lips, those plump ones that promised to be heaven once wrapped around my already rigid shaft. “Well I had another kind of blowing in mind in store for you. Think you can hack that?”

  I cocked a brow. “Now that sounds like something I can…”

  My words trailed off when she unzipped my pants and helped my erection spring forth. I never wear boxers, have always been a commando guy underneath. It helps for access, not gonna lie, and when the sexiest redhead on the planet wants to give you a blow job, who cares if it’s boxers or briefs?

  Bending down, she blew on the head of my cock. Her breath was warm and it made my dick jerk with just the hint of temperature change and whispery pressure. As I watched, a tiny pearl of precum leaked from its mushroom-shaped tip. Nikki licked her lips and then greedily lapped it up, then the next two. Her tongue was soft and flush against my skin, and I was already shaking beneath her. My balls were growing tight, and I couldn’t wait for her to envelope me fully.

  But she knew how to tease in this just like in everything else.

  First, she gave the underside of my cock several long licks, laving at the seam. She kissed my balls and flicked her tongue in a maddeningly fast rhythm against them. Then, she wrapped her hand around my sack and started to massage it with just the right amount of pressure as she rolled my balls between her thumb and forefinger. They felt heavy, filled almost to the point of bursting. I had sex regularly and I took pride in my ability to outlast my partners. Hell, I’d even experimented with New Age hippie crap out in California and could go all tantric. I’d once held off on an orgasm for over three hours.

  But with her?

  With Nikki, it was taking everything I had to keep it together and not blow like a fifteen-year-old kid during his first time.

  Then her lips wrapped fully around my length—finally—and my eyes rolled back in my damn head. Nikki was sucking hard now, her tongue and lips moving up and down my shaft in record time. I opened my eyes again and focused down on her, on the flash of red hair flaring out behind her as she continued to suck me off, at the speed of her movements, and it was making my blood boil. It felt like I’d swallowed pop rocks and Coke or stuck my tongue on a live wire. Everything was fucking raging through me, and I was moaning beneath her tal
ented tongue.

  Then she moved that little devil in a spiral around the head of my cock all while putting expert pressure on my balls. It was more than enough. I came like a freight train, surrendering to the force of the passion surging through me. Nikki swallowed everything like a pro and the more she took, the more I gave. Hell, the more eager I was to give it to her.

  After what felt like forever, when maybe all the fluid was out of my body, I collapsed on the sofa, smiling when she curled up next to me.

  Taking that detour in LaGuardia?

  Best damn decision of my life.



  Tucker reached over and brought the fresh strawberry to my mouth.

  After I’d given him a blow job, we’d cuddled and snoozed on the couch for a long time, and now we were having lunch out on Claude’s balcony. The view was as breathtaking as always. From where we sat, enjoying fruit, crepes, and fresh cured meats, we could see the expanse of the Parisian skyline, which included Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower as well as the other buildings and landmarks that were so famous around the world. Around us, cars honked and birds sang. Paris liked to think of itself as more refined, but it was a metropolitan city like any other. Today, in the middle of the week, people were rushing to and from work.

  It was a living, breathing being around us.

  And I loved listening to its heartbeat.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” Tucker asked.

  I was thinking how much fun I was having with Tucker, while at the same time pushing back thoughts that I was crazy. That I should be working preparing for my show, including all the smaller events leading up to it.

  But I had to do something to release all my pent up stress, didn’t I? Doing Tucker was obviously something I’d found difficult to resist. Even now, I tried to imagine how the stellar cock I’d touched and tasted earlier would feel moving inside me. Hell, I almost couldn’t think of anything else. And no wonder. We were dressed, but I’d spent the last couple hours pressed up against him. He was lean but he was also cut. I loved the lines of his body, the rigid peaks and valleys of his six-pack abs and the broad expanse of his chest. I now knew that he had several other tattoos, including one over his left hip—a bright orange tiger leaping from crimson flames.


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